Trade Secrets and Know How Agreements

Trade Secrets and Know-How Agreements: A Guide for Businesses

In today’s fast-paced business world, companies face intense competition from their rivals. To gain an edge over competitors, companies often develop innovative and unique strategies, processes, or formulas, which they consider their trade secrets or know-how. Trade secrets and know-how agreements are an essential tool for businesses to protect their valuable confidential information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties.

Trade Secrets

Trade secrets are confidential business information that gives companies a competitive advantage over their competitors. Trade secrets can include a wide range of information, such as customer lists, pricing strategies, proprietary technologies, chemical formulas, and manufacturing processes. Assemblies, drawings, and computer software codes are also considered trade secrets when they are kept confidential and provide a competitive advantage.

Unlike patents, trademarks, and copyrights, trade secrets are not publicly disclosed, registered, or filed with any government authority. Trade secrets can remain a valuable asset for companies indefinitely if they are kept confidential and not exposed to any unauthorized parties.


Know-how refers to the practical knowledge and expertise that businesses develop through their experience and experimentation. It is often used to refer to technical or scientific knowledge related to manufacturing, production, or engineering. Know-how can also include softer skills like management practices, marketing strategies, and customer service processes.

Know-how is often used in combination with other confidential information, such as trade secrets or customer data, to create a competitive advantage in the market. Know-how is usually not directly protectable by intellectual property rights, as it is too vague or broad to define or register.

Trade Secrets and Know-How Agreements

Trade secrets and know-how agreements are legal documents that businesses use to protect their valuable confidential information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties, primarily their employees, clients, and partners. The agreements set out the terms and conditions under which the confidential information can be used, disclosed, and accessed by the authorized parties.

Trade secrets and know-how agreements are often signed between employers and employees, vendors and suppliers, or partners and joint venture participants. The agreements generally include the following key clauses:

1) Confidentiality Obligations: This clause specifies the information that the parties agree is confidential and the measures they must take to protect such information. This may include restricting access to the information, using password-protected devices, encryption, or other security measures.

2) Use Restrictions: This clause outlines the limitations on how the confidential information can be used, transferred, or disclosed. These restrictions may include prohibiting the use of the confidential information for any other purpose than the intended one and limiting the duration of use.

3) Ownership and Remedies: This clause explains who owns the confidential information, how disputes will be resolved, and what remedies are available to the aggrieved party if there is a breach of the agreement.


Trade secrets and know-how agreements are essential for businesses to protect their valuable confidential information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties. With the increasing competition, it has become increasingly important for businesses to safeguard their trade secrets and know-how. Trade secrets and know-how agreements provide a legal framework to protect confidential information and prevent its unauthorized use or disclosure, thereby providing businesses with a competitive edge in the market. As a copy editor, it`s important to ensure that these agreements are well-drafted, legally sound, and effectively communicate the terms and conditions to all parties involved.